Tips and recipe to bake pancakes at home

Item 5 of 16

Use a pan with a large diameter and a thick bottom. 
25 cm is already a nice size. 

Make enough batter, use a balloon whisk to mix. 

Let the batter rest for 20 minutes. 
The pancake will no longer shrink in the pan. 

Let the pan get very hot before you start baking. 

Use a mixture of oil and melted butter for frying. 
You can fry the first pancake a little more fat to prevent sticking. 

Is the pancake stuck? 
Tap the side of the handle to release the pancake. 
Doesn't this work? Then use a wooden spatula. 


This is a recipe for the regular home pancake: 

250 g flour 
pinch of salt
2 large or 3 small eggs 
1/2 liter milk 
75 g butter 

General tips: 

When in doubt, use one more egg if you want fluffy pancakes. 
Choose self-raising flour instead of flour or add half a teaspoon of baking soda 
Add 2 tablespoons of custard powder for beautiful yellow pancakes 
A sachet of vanilla sugar, vanilla essence and/or cinnamon powder is delicious if you like sweet pancakes 
Add a tablespoon of (sunflower) oil or Add two tablespoons of melted butter to the batter to prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan.

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