Rice oil 1 ltr

SKU: S53331 - A3
Item 25 of 28
€ 7,95 (excluding VAT)

Alesie rice oil is a neutral oil with good properties and a high temperature resistance. 

Contains vitamin E 
Omega 3 & 6 

No additives 
Physical refining 

be used for 

Poffertjes Crepes 

Rice oil has a very unique fatty acid profile, making rice oil the most balanced and versatile oil. Compared to other oils such as olive oil, rice oil also has a much higher smoke point. The smoking point of rice oil is around 255 degrees Celsius. That makes rice oil a much more stable oil. Rice oil is therefore extremely suitable for stir-frying, frying or deep-frying food. When oil is heated above the smoke point, harmful substances are released and there is a loss of taste. Rice oil has a higher smoke point than other oils, which means that rice oil is healthier.

The mild taste of rice oil also makes it an excellent product to use, for example, on salads or for deep-frying. Rice oil is slightly sticky and will therefore only be included in the food to a small extent. Rice oil lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL), unlike other oils that also lower good cholesterol.

Specification Description
Magazijnlocatie L2-3
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