- Master training - French Crêpes
Do you want to start a business with French Crepes ?
But you never made aCrepe in your life?
Let me take you by the hand, and teach you everything you need to know
to open your own shop kiosk or foodtruck with Crepes and…€ 650,00 géén afbeelding beschikbaar
Crêpes academy
Bonjour ; )
If you are not from France, but you want to start to open a business with French Crepes and Galettes,
we can help you with your training and plans.
In our academy for Crepes and Pancakes we can teach you all about the recipes, ingredients, methods,
equipment, pricing, toppings and presentations.
If you like, i can take a look at your businessplan and i can advise you if there are ways to improve.
Work smart, not hard.
Easy to say. But how? - Starting off at the right foot is allready a smart move.
Hopefully we can make a change for the best in your business.
Sales, pricing, marketing - included.
Price is for max 2 students.
All materials are included
Certificate Master Crepesmaker is included.
After receiving your payment / order we can set a date / trainingsday.
Training days are at tuesday or thursdays.
Other days are possible by request.