Video training Masterclass Stroopwafels - How to make Stroopwafels + E-Book
Artikelnummer: Video_strwflThe Stroopwafel MASTER training is available on video.
This training is your best option when it is not possibe for you to come over
to our Academy in The Netherlands to attend our live Master training.
After your purchase you receive a login password for;
Log in from your home, whenever you have time,
look back as much as you want.
In the video`s you can look over my shoulder how I teach.
I explain everything.
Our topics / video`s;
1-Build your stroopwafel business
2-Ingredients to use
3-Marketing / branding
4 -locations + pricing
5-Storage and packaging
6-Making stroop techniques
7-Making dough and doughballs
8-Stroopwafel production
9-Setup your inventory / shop
Bonus: Our E–Book is included.
Still having questions or need help?
mentoring by email and Whatsapp is included for a 3 year period.